Web and Mobile

Your organization’s web presence is the key to establishing your reputation and building confidence in your audience. A professional website should be up-to-date, look attractive on any type of device, and include the specific features that your target audiences are looking for. Did they seek out your website to make a purchase? Learn something new? Register for an event? Or make a connection with you? Meckler Marketing Consulting can help you create or redevelop your website so that it meets the needs of both you and your target audience.

But building a professional website is only half of the battle—you also need to develop a strategy to ensure that your website is at the top of the list when people use search terms related to your industry. Our search engine optimization (SEO) team has developed a range of tactics to bring visibility to your website.

We specialize in:

  • Planning, design, development, and hosting of websites that are appealing on computers, tablets, and mobile phones (responsive web design)
  • Updating and revamping existing websites
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) to get your website on the first page of Google results for relevant keywords
  • Creation and development of mobile apps
  • Mobile advertising including search and geofencing ad campaigns

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